summertime in the suburbs, AND an announcement!

steffy kuncman vintage blog
vintage floral blouse
steffy kuncman vintage blog
steffy kuncman vintage blogvintage floral blouse
matt degreff

i am sure by now you have seen my little secret i've been keeping... we're moving to NY! i have another secret, but will have to take a little bit longer to share ;)

after four years of living in Miami, and an endless amount of beautiful memories, friends, jobs and cafecitos we are packing up everything and roadtripping to NY on July 31st! It is quickly approaching, and i am really just so ready to be up there. the amount of things i'm excited for are pretty much endless, but to name a few... A REAL FALL, the leaves changing colors, cooking soup, living near my auntie E and all of my extended family, being within arms reach from the city, reconnecting with friends who i've stayed in touch with through the years, (this one is lame BUT) pumpkin lattes in the cold!, winter jackets, snow but only for the first time and then im sure it will be annoying, music shows more than once every 6 months... just so much more.

we have really felt like miami is a temporary stepping stone until we settle down in NY for such a long time, and it will be wonderful to plant our roots and make our home up there. if you're there and want to FINALLY be real-life friends, e-mail me! i cannot wait to meet so many new bloggers up there, because tbh some of the people i will miss most are my blogging girls. ♥

blouse: vintage
shorts: vintage
shoes: express
hat: vintage
bag: chicwish
