a farewell to our miami home.

steffy kuncman vintage fashion blog
steffy kuncman vintage fashion blog
steffy kuncman vintage fashion blog
steffy kuncman vintage fashion blogsteffy kuncman vintage fashion blog

we moved into our south beach apartment in october of 2012. i had just been promoted to full-time visual merchandiser at j.crew, matt was not even freelancing yet and we found it from a lucky craigslist search. we knew it was "the one" right when we walked into the courtyard. i always take a long hard look at empty apartments before i move all of my things in, and try to picture everything the future has in store within the walls of not-quite-home-yet. this one brought us so many beautiful memories. 

we raised little claudie in this home, i can remember her as a 2lb puppy walking around. matt proposed to me in the apartment, right near where my chair collection sits. we've had way too many fun potluck dinners and parties (and have probably pissed off one-too-many neighbors.) i've pranced around with good news, cried many a nights curled in a ball in my closet, popped champagne, cooked homemade meals, repurposed handfuls of vintage dresses, completed wedding DIY's. it will be bittersweet to say goodbye. here's some lovely moments captured. 
