know that i love you, my every thought is of you.

watermelon dress
watermelon dress
miami fashion blogmiami fashion blog
miami fashion blog

all it takes is a tiny hint of loneliness to remember how wonderful human beings are to know, and to be surrounded by. when matt travels for work, i walk on lincoln road with claude and i gravitate toward the most logical place to find friends, j.crew. i spent the evening catching up with old co-workers, and remembering how beautiful it is just to KNOW someone, anyone, everyone-- and to stay in touch. 

i have two kinds of friends in my life; the first kind makes an effort to stay connected (to myself, and to others) and the second kind makes no effort. as i grow older, i just know it feels right to be the first kind of friend, the person who still sends a messsage/text/e-mail/skype ANYTHING once in a blue moon, so as not to fully disconnect. some days i look around and think how awful humankind is (as i'm sure everyone does sometimes). but a majority of the days, and especially recently, i think about how lucky we are to know each other. because without each other we would all be nobody. so thank you for making me feel like a somebody. ♥

dress: pepaloves
bag: F21
hat: F21
glasses: ZeroUV
shoes: Swedish Hasbeens
