summertime stripes.

happppy sunday evening. i'm sitting next to my right hand gal claude, and my guy matt watching arrested development. i never watched it when it was "THE show," so we're catching up on episodes. we had the most fun day of walks and movies and cooking, etc. i love how full summer weekend days feel. 

i spent the day in these comfy black high-waisted shorts that i snagged in NYC last summer. it's great when you purchase something and then end up getting tons of use out of it (like these). most of my outfit is from urban... brand loyalty at it's finest :) have a perfect night. i am excited to go to sleep and wake up because tomorrow night is GIRLS YOGA NIGHT. the best.

tee: urban outfitters
blouse: vintage
shorts: urban outfitters
bag: c/o modcloth
hat/sunnies: vintage
boots: urban
necklace: c/o boutique minimilaste
