a sailor went to sea sea sea, to see what she could see see see.

just WOW. miami has been full of meaningful things to do, and i am just soaking it all in. these were taken on saturday-- we went to the street fair in our neighborhood. i spent all my money on:

a. marshmallow sprinkle pops
b. iced coffee
c. holding a boa constrictor and having my picture taken with it.
shows a bit about my character, huh?

then at night matt and i saw a movie that was part of the miami film festival that made me laugh and cry all in one. one of the greatest documentaries i have ever seen. it's called LEMON, and it was the almost unbelievable story of a poet/actor who grew up in the brooklyn projects. he is so talented, and i am so glad someone captured his story on film for me to see. :) i hope you found happiness and meaning in your weekend, and happy monday!

p.s. sometimes it's fun to emulate a sailor!!

p.p.s i added 40+ items to my store late last night! surprise!

blouse: for sale in my store
jeans: c/o 2020AVE
bag: ebay
sunnies: h & m
shoes: c/o wanted
