so i am going to let you all in on a little secret. i wear glasses in EVERY post not because i think they are cute (i mean i do, but...) but because i have this eye infection that i just can't kick! i think it is silly because i've been wearing the glasses so much that they have turned into my signature. in class i had to write a product description for myself (kind of cool, huh!?) and i actually described myself as a gal with big glasses. HA! i have a doctors appointment for saturday.
this dress has quickly become a fave! it has little swans on it! if you follow me on instagram [steffysprosandcons] you've seen it on multiple days. i bought the velvet blazer sort of just because it would look good with the dress, and have ended up wearing it a bunch. time to pass it on! have a happy weekend!
oh yeah, if you're feeling silly write me a product description of yourself! it will be fun to read!
shoes: vintage
hat: vintage
Labels: personal style